Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Week Six - Oral Blog Portfolio Diploma Lecture Entry

Speaker: Sarah Hardman (Unitec Lecture and Association of Staff in Tertiary Edua)

Union: workers orgainized into a volountary association, or union to further their mutual interests with respect to wages, hours, working conditions and other matters of interests to the morkers.

Unions are volountary, you can choose if you want to join.
Unions have traditionally negotiated with employers about pay rates, hours of work and working conditions, such as holidays, sick pay and safety condition.

The use of Union:
1) Fair pay
2) Fair working conditions
3) A voice for working people
4) Entitlements
5) Safe & Healthy
6) workplace
7) Equal of Opportunity

Some extra information:
1) 330000 Union workers
2) 51% women
3) Selfemployee cannot join a Union because himself is boss
4) Any worker cannot go on strike if they are angry with boss

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