Saturday, April 21, 2007

Week Six Text Blog Entry Four - a narrative or recount

Last few days, I read a article named Exercise helps rebuild memory, Here is a link to the article about it. It is about researches had found that exercise boosts brainpower by building new brain region linked with memory and memory loss. Tests on mice showed that exercise could cause the development of new brain cells in the mouse equivalent of the denate gyrus. The team recruited 11 adults and put them through a three-month aerobic exercise regimen, and found the same result.
Most of the verb forms which explain what happened are in the past simple form. There is one examples of the past perfect simple which is "had shown" refers to the time before the National Academy of Sciences first "tested" mice.
There are two examples of the present simple which are "next step is to identify" and "physicians may be able to", they are all quoted.

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