Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Week Seven Text Blog Entry Four - My Break

I went to Rutorua in my studying break with my friends. It is a very nice town, and people are very friendly. But we hadn’t enough time to visit every famous place because we just had two days, so we looked around the town by following the map.
What gave me the strongest impression was not the landscape but the accommodation. It was too difficult to look for a room with three single beds, so we had to book a room within a single bed and a double bed. Even thought it was a private house, not a hotel. I have not never slept with anther person since I was 6, so I felt very uncomfortable when I was sleeping with my friend in bed. I could not move, otherwise I would fall on the floor. The next day when I wake up, I felt very tired even more than last night.
We went to Hamilton in the next day, and visited the university in Hamilton. When I came back home, the only thing I wanted to do was sleep in my own bed.

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