Monday, May 14, 2007

Week Nine Text Blog Entry - Diploma Trip

I really enjoyed our Diploma trip to Auckland War Memorial Museum because I knew some knowledge and see many interesting things there. Auckland Museum is located off Domain Drive in the middle of the Auckland Domain, to the East of the city centre.
The ground level show me about Pacific people, Maori, Pakeha and others. There were some beautiful products which were made by the Pacific island people. The Maori Court houses display the most significant Maori treasures in the world. Also on this floor, two galleries show the New Zealand and International design arts and some other worth things.
The first storey told me about land stories. It showed to me New Zealand’s evolutionary story and Maori Natural history. I saw a very interesting exhibition about New Zealand’s unique environment from the mountain top to the ocean. This floor also contains Weird and Wonderful, I think it was very funny.
The top level told the stories about New Zealand’s involvement in wars. On the walls of the Sanctuary were inscribed all the names of New Zealanders from Auckland who died in the wars. Level 2 also is the Auckland Museum Library, one of the most important libraries in New Zealand.
I saw Maoris cultural performance in the afternoon, I thought they performed it very well. I will never forget about this experience.

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