Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Week Eight Oral Blog Entry Six - Picture Comparison

There are two pictures which I linked in picture 1 and picture 2. Picture 1 show that some children are siting in a circle, and some are standing to do the demonstration. There is no teacher, they learn from each other, and they can talk and discuss whenever. Picture 2 show that all students are siting to the teacher. They are listening to the teacher and answer the question from the teacher. If they want to say something, they must put up their hands, and talked it after permiting.
I think the first circumstance is more effective, students do not hesitate to talk and ask if they have any questions. They can follow other children who had already done. When these children study together, they can learn form each other and know how to work in a team. In picture 2, students learn from the teacher, they do not have opportunity to discuss with each other. They must accept what the teacher say, and do not have enough time to understand it.

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