Monday, May 14, 2007

Week Eight Text Blog Entry - Move to stem truant growth

Here is a link to an article in Move to stem truant growth from the Press. This article talked that truancy rates have grown 41 per cent in New Zealand since 2002, with 30,000 children a day wagging school last year. Experts said that truancy officers are spread too thinly, and that schools do not have the resources to deal with the problem. Last year, the Government announced $2 million worth of extra investment over the next four years to strengthen the service. A wide-ranging Ministry of Education considered how to deal with truancy, he thought New Zealand could use techniques from other countries and encouraged New Zealand schools to share ideas with each other.

There are active voice and passive voice in this article. “ Christchurch principals fear truancy officers are spread too thinly” is a precent passive form, which means someone spread the truancy officers too thinly. “Papanui High School principal Denis Pyatt said truancy services were stretched” is a past passive form, which means someone stretched the truancy services.

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