Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Book Bolg Entry - Strangers on a Train

This is a detective book, which was written by Patricia Highsmith. She was born in Texas in America in 1921. She lived in England and France, and finally moved to a village in Switzerland. She never married, and died in February 1995.
The polt of the book is that Guy was going to divorce with his wife whose name is Miriam, she was pregnant and it was not his child. Guy had a girlfriend in Florida named Anne, and he also has an important job there. When he was in the train to see Miriam, he knew a man named Bruno, who was a very rich man, and he hated his father. Bruno wanted to kill his father and got the bequest. When he knew Guy was afraid of that Miriam might not divorce with him and disturb his job, Bruno suggest that he could murder Miriam, and Guy must murder his father for reward. Of course Guy refused this crazy idea, but Bruno didn’t want to give up his plan.
He found Miriam by himself and murdered her when she was alone in the park. Then Bruno told Guy that he had helped him, and threatened Guy to killed his father, otherwise he would told police that Guy made him to murder his wife. Guy had to murdered Bruno’s father, but he felt very guilty.
Arthur, who was Bruno father’s private detective, began to work after the second murder. He made many investigations and thought Guy and Bruno were the murders, but he has not proof. One day Guy’s family went to India with Bruno by boat, Bruno fell into the sea by accident.
The next day, Guy went to see Miriam’s boyfriend Owen. Guy told him all the truth, but Owen was very drunk. When Guy was looking for the phone to call a taxi for Owen, he saw the phone was lying so that some could listen to everything he was saying, and the listener is Arthur.

Week Eight Oral Blog Entry -Domeastic News Headlines

I heard this story on Morning Report on National Radio on Monday April 30.

“The main story in the Press is that the government is looking at the ways to tackle truancy numbers. The story says last year an averaged 30,000 children a day skipped classes.”

Here are three pronunciation features which I noticed:

1.consonant to vowel linking- average of
2.weak forms - the ways to

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Week Ten Text Blog Entry - Is China’s Military a Threat?

Here is a link to an article in Is China’s Military a Threat? from The Time. This article said that China for the first time tested successfully and anti-satellite missile two months ago, and its defence spending in the forthcoming year would rise by nearly 18%, the biggest increase in five years, and a lager increase than the U.S had expected.

Most defence planners in the U.S believe that the primary strategic objective for China’s defence spending is to deter the U.S from intervening in any crisis over Taiwan.

I think Taiwan has been a part of China for many years, now some people in Taiwan government want it become independent. The U.S wants Taiwan to be a country because they can control it and make it to be their transfer port. China does not want that to happen, but they also won’t start a war with Taiwan because of the rising economy in south of China. So we can look China's military as a threat.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Week Ten Oral Blog - Portfolio Post Entry Seven Diploma Lecture 2

New Zealand Police

Rohan Stace

New Zealand Police

1. Communicating with police
We are welcome to talk to the police
They are hardly arrest young people
Most of NZ police wear uniforms, we can ask for their ID card to check

2. What police expect from us
Let them know our problems
Provide much information
Let them know what happens
Say if we need support

3. Complaints against police information
www. police

4. Domestic or family violence
Domestic violence is a crime in NZ, police take it very seriously
If we have a member who is in immediate danger, call 111
If domestic violence happens at home, call 111

5. Looking after our children in NZ
Children who are under 14, parent should never leave them at home and must be fastened into a special safe seat in cars
If children are between 6-16, they must be enrolled at school

Make sure they can contact their parents
Tell school how to keep them safe
Involve in sports when they are in holiday

6. How can police help
If they still at home, call 111
If they left, call 111 or go the police station
Don not touch or move anything in my home

Reducing the burglar’s opportunities
Keep personal safety
“Forewarned is fore – armed”
“Best way to avoid a punch – do not be there”
Safe practices to avoid situations in the first place and encourage
People to get away and get help

Seek further knowledge
Get ourselves involved
Get to know lots of people

Monday, May 14, 2007

Week Eight Text Blog Entry - Move to stem truant growth

Here is a link to an article in Move to stem truant growth from the Press. This article talked that truancy rates have grown 41 per cent in New Zealand since 2002, with 30,000 children a day wagging school last year. Experts said that truancy officers are spread too thinly, and that schools do not have the resources to deal with the problem. Last year, the Government announced $2 million worth of extra investment over the next four years to strengthen the service. A wide-ranging Ministry of Education considered how to deal with truancy, he thought New Zealand could use techniques from other countries and encouraged New Zealand schools to share ideas with each other.

There are active voice and passive voice in this article. “ Christchurch principals fear truancy officers are spread too thinly” is a precent passive form, which means someone spread the truancy officers too thinly. “Papanui High School principal Denis Pyatt said truancy services were stretched” is a past passive form, which means someone stretched the truancy services.

Week Nine Text Blog Entry - Diploma Trip

I really enjoyed our Diploma trip to Auckland War Memorial Museum because I knew some knowledge and see many interesting things there. Auckland Museum is located off Domain Drive in the middle of the Auckland Domain, to the East of the city centre.
The ground level show me about Pacific people, Maori, Pakeha and others. There were some beautiful products which were made by the Pacific island people. The Maori Court houses display the most significant Maori treasures in the world. Also on this floor, two galleries show the New Zealand and International design arts and some other worth things.
The first storey told me about land stories. It showed to me New Zealand’s evolutionary story and Maori Natural history. I saw a very interesting exhibition about New Zealand’s unique environment from the mountain top to the ocean. This floor also contains Weird and Wonderful, I think it was very funny.
The top level told the stories about New Zealand’s involvement in wars. On the walls of the Sanctuary were inscribed all the names of New Zealanders from Auckland who died in the wars. Level 2 also is the Auckland Museum Library, one of the most important libraries in New Zealand.
I saw Maoris cultural performance in the afternoon, I thought they performed it very well. I will never forget about this experience.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Week Eight Oral Blog Entry Six - Picture Comparison

There are two pictures which I linked in picture 1 and picture 2. Picture 1 show that some children are siting in a circle, and some are standing to do the demonstration. There is no teacher, they learn from each other, and they can talk and discuss whenever. Picture 2 show that all students are siting to the teacher. They are listening to the teacher and answer the question from the teacher. If they want to say something, they must put up their hands, and talked it after permiting.
I think the first circumstance is more effective, students do not hesitate to talk and ask if they have any questions. They can follow other children who had already done. When these children study together, they can learn form each other and know how to work in a team. In picture 2, students learn from the teacher, they do not have opportunity to discuss with each other. They must accept what the teacher say, and do not have enough time to understand it.

Week Seven Text Blog Entry Four - My Break

I went to Rutorua in my studying break with my friends. It is a very nice town, and people are very friendly. But we hadn’t enough time to visit every famous place because we just had two days, so we looked around the town by following the map.
What gave me the strongest impression was not the landscape but the accommodation. It was too difficult to look for a room with three single beds, so we had to book a room within a single bed and a double bed. Even thought it was a private house, not a hotel. I have not never slept with anther person since I was 6, so I felt very uncomfortable when I was sleeping with my friend in bed. I could not move, otherwise I would fall on the floor. The next day when I wake up, I felt very tired even more than last night.
We went to Hamilton in the next day, and visited the university in Hamilton. When I came back home, the only thing I wanted to do was sleep in my own bed.